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Bevis for geometriske tyngdepunkt og median

Viser, at det geometriske tyngdepunkt opdeler hver median til segmenter i et 2:1-størrelsesforhold (eller at det geometriske tyngdepunkt er 2/3 langs medianen). Lavet af Sal Khan.

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and syphilis I can't oh here at a midi aina midi an EP media and FC on BTN 80 the kennedy pumps for the time media niskanen they got appointed key the careless take you meet Saskatoon Capone's Donna vetoes give a visa at the kilometres getting the pants air precice to turn the deal up L via MIDI a bigger alien building so mr. di Modena example these 8b mr. Beebe said a key as Lima to Canyon KP jokhang keep a female for Langton here at double salon give it to that a key and total deal are there be a 10 feelings could be portavoz PB s-- v kappa v system in building some his mid iain the geometer his kid turned upon her pussy's to tell the de Larbre and via midi aim able to offset the deal immediate nabi to linear stir gram but it in still get at table slang some dinner but less Kickapoo second a be e and as pharmakeia t myth foul I see there the air meaty Aten was a hobby due to guru that is here Nolan son here will see a sudden here as Harvey take you meet his kitchen the boat he punked key although they have been Lily Linea they're going to a toy a tiny pain under the go ahead see a also having blow Lena Tecate if then corty if I know Sarah be both there were poor elephant on they had a e they have B they had air a or D here D here if a lastly ta Gambia makea Le pomme Donny this F axis or new the air day okay okay visca babysat ek at double Solanki be miss Whitten got a paper know where the anti-v do are suppose V and Medina Nutella taken and up six minutes i canta their places least or led her time in Tata Kenta Aldi store they're tight at he yelled six minutes i canta the oppressively store let's keep ordinates I can't namely second a gay be a KB T here at the summit agenda allow some dinner then we'll ii ii ii ii ii ii eggy some bihar here then has a hint Adonai Kanaly tiny T ha posses some heightened because a poor eg some slack steals or linea they like then sanic only near the leader along cetera Kent the lilo honks its I can't ha keep a some convenient then store applause I can't ha each case on corn linear or D hate Sega Lehigh he begged say failing and he her heightened a vivid us no N we've got no Nina we will attend hair plucked I can't eat a key at double cyst or something or on since I can't but ended VD Denver star at 280 hurts i canta because he at the no hongsi i can't ha IL x BK la d IL x a veritable second aha arthur IL x he did blow ha ha il su eggs now the Giga pudding her to bloat I can toss ability Eden hell can continent Ganga heighten le Mihaela con linen air Iggy inhale Iggy Gani heightened I didn't Google here the Alima 2x the 2x a report and and mainly formal for second il inhale Concordia karna hai tally my alien alas Carly Sam made no answer seconds inhale keep a Connaughton cool hider inhale KP Connaughton cooler hide the animal X obviously here and LeMay X civically the hero he still affects a Les Paul Kearney almost equivalent see but the enemy may be guarded an evil time for time in hell Kang Chi gung ho gung ho the illegal to gang X he still 4x scurvy LT here for the little X - Connie inhale Ganga KP some accordion it meant attack hence Ganga who a new curvy fedosya will toggle so cannon held appear in the DVD a Pegasus imijo a new starter ad in hell Ikki elite milky be a less clearly eaten some fouls of history opponent in hell Ikki inhale a key ally Mille [ __ ] de Lima keep er savvy fatty the heifer tenacity Pierhead Salang some Ichi KP at a helper keeping busy gear - so I'll keep it busy kia fierce arequipa - no V police force acetate they had that we can build baby Singh the gang Pegasus are leaning me to four instances for be a key for us is for me to keep a we above East at IKEA doubles along some keeping a Wicca bosun pavese for L me da na na VI beliefs that the Akio meet Saskatoon the Pope's Liga totality law remedy aina