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Addition af blandede tal: 19 3/18 + 18 2/3

Når du skal lægge to blandede tal sammen, kan du opdele opgaven i de hele tal og brøkerne. De hele tal lægges sammen som normalt. Hvis brøkerne ikke har fællesnævner, skal du først omskrive dem, så de har. Dernæst lægges brøkerne sammen. Til sidst skal du muligvis reducere brøkerne for at få dit endelige svar. Lavet af Sal Khan.

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Video udskrift

Leslie didn't say Edna T some may etem totally deal we ask Allah to heal self-awakened first didn't I Edna did it is samsung didn't plus side Nadine or today Scooby League Adam total deal did Samsung Eden plus to tragedy newbie like tequila tell some for sale neaten poo satan here if the kabylia poke on some loose say Edna teal blue stoats ideal needin blue Sedna English needn't lose needin bill there oughta tireless and needn't loose Edna suicide kikyo's su batalla de must be League tight Edna deal or totality sum fuk Rd scary firsthand fitness nebula Trey Kerby Aiden last air fulfilling a two tailed a Latino or Eden Navi fiscal totally do some duel Oh Edna Scooby Gang in the unanimous six oh dear first Cabarrus County land me six total deal else at the Sam some tall Edna deal began Guam school total deal here to talk Edna deal and we believe the two pocus son did Leah tsumetai the personal or what Edna take loose tile FM said it'd be a symptom Edna deal this fiscal we'll talk to some Atlanta tell via the sewer tile the film Aetna deal did light is far maybe Kigali a new corner because I don't see her Fintan Edna deal boat sailin onion on can him Nativity as Mattei there's to be Tia big imitate after some Bacardi Sammy poverty Lonnie una and Estelle the Sam tell the he'll attend Estelle she was hired mental and appointing a new film on neon on s6 suffer chord clearly she was hired Tim Tschida deal