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Multiplikation af to-cifrede tal med to-cifrede tal: 36x23

Lær at gange to-cifrede tal.  I denne video vil vi gange 36 med 23. Lavet af Sal Khan.

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computers going 23 2 x 44 maybe the hardest part of muskegon first hard party did you recognize that that's not even mediation this could have also been rotten as 23 the Grimes and 44 or they could have written it as 23 who in turn to seize upon x 44 so you stole two beat each other that also implies education so now that we know what I actually do believe in God we're gonna multiply pushing 23 I'll write it bigger please could I twenties granted by 44 reported Mindy Cohn I'll write the conditional pick occasion sign there Eustace on you know we're multiplying no one's come out already know turkeys like this you very so many very seldom for the dot there so let's do some multiplication consciousness after we start off on me let's start out to end applying and is this for the one space x 23 feet so you had three times for taking is you 12 we can write to zoo to put in the ones place but then we want to carry the one or you want to regroup that go on in the plants limbs so it's 12 so you guys a ton over here do it and i have four times dude it is a two piece would one is the nine and neat is nine so you can excite it is for you this point right here x 23 yeah is 22 that's what we just sleep with you from now we want to figure out what beautiful names to behavior yeah kind of what we do here is when you just do it man who you use this as your story oh yeah the whole reason why you're quoting is here over to it no you're now dealing with moved into work in the tens place yet another stone for you or whatever did you look at cars early what is you mores UCD annual because we're gonna find out that come back into three night two years at out which one he multiplied this happen when I was 23 again we would get back on again imitates you but this this for that you have 40 so I should be 900 for money is that spending that too I'm gonna see legatus angles that we have let me become btsc dollars at this for now gamma people i have feel for you comes to me is 12 because two of the two right here to squeeze again space it was really are 40 times rock on just think about it but we're using these two days to say that means it's free you got four times three so well carry the one this would be no one is from last season or Haskell you don't want to mess that up makes em multiplied that Evan but if now we have more times to you come to plus 1 is cosine is 9 so we figured out some partners before more times 23 in white face at the end agreed you for it x 23 is to 920 and then cause for you for actually 40 it sends it on and explains this so we're on my conga when you get by on my way for type you tan sri give me four times three two one fin which is 92 who's lusts for t20 so me mooches 920 as if it's your welcome to land will be here we go and so we can do scree finish or something that's what are the themes Adam up the 22 plus 0 is to leave them sign puzzle to spoon is 11 who's carry the 11 mins 9 is cheap but economic associate at least every third digit 3 2 23 times only four is 1012