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Opstilling af en ligning med uendelig mange løsninger

Vi viser, hvordan vi færdiggør ligningen 4(x - 2) + x = 5x + __ så den har uendelig mange løsninger. Lavet af Sal Khan.

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Video udskrift

filipina Mapo drop down menu in here telleo and linear leaning ended man loosening up recently neha wounded man loose Nina's got away at the sample vessel is tiny legal advisor in boys pass-heavy started mera to see a vein star Selena leaning or Africa ver SI po parambikulam horizontal also melted by artists amazon winston-salem the biggest are American feeling in panties in here so for the fear x minus s or avi lika ex still t del Valle mae phim x plus no whiskey belly retinas cab fare fee x plus x el email Pemex PO Vince tussle over hostile force Minos ode de Lima femme x plus no vas Godinho they are so be haughty Sam prevents the Leaning legally purvis era in pal express happy family xmas old witch wicca layout the harm to Minos old as a leg Minos order to fame ex-soviet a son prevents the Leaning will stay healthy immune older fatihah elsevier Sanford where X legal reversal in / Xpress economy famous I God far we focus on papa que sea de began anonymity X my fem a-- tiger all of our purposes a bigger power lowest and they're leaning beautiful makes proper basis our safari me knows already women whose order devices sent Minnesota Lima mean so little to tell others will fill horse far Horace is give f MX plus minnows old solemn