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Buelængde udspændt af en centervinkel.

Finde længden af en bue, når centervinklen, der spænder over buen, samt omkredsen af cirklen er givet. Lavet af Sal Khan.

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Video udskrift

hansi killed on my spot EDP here see a clean scent on the d a-- midden circle incentive in killer t car store seattle incentive in kildare t-carr store but we began can link important hair boo the league on LI or four cent of England farley melon booms linked or Healy sequence on clays al email for hard mmm scent of England a heel assailants car summer say units I scar foreign film booms linked or he'll see at lines on case a limo for Holly Williams scent of England and scent of England or he'll seattle in Scylla some air tyooon-uh tice car people at on Clayton NP obvious caffeine booms lengthy last hailed booms linked for a river at saint of England air Tihar adistar or toilet I scar or say on a test car we can either say leaning via Gangnam a Eden peeper Peggy Caesar a new starters are at booms linked at the mill but will slink their limit T or tightness some of this answer me know six Italian there's Lima NP or sexytyler some of the science of peor to the samsung p or to the deal is through girls are booms link their PR to less power see people in n news there the apt and Sam see again I'm Tyson s daily Eden p I'm Tyson Esterly Adam p men ten hagen they're cavity as we enter in Lily's rule post stars in a scent of inkling new a scent of England toyota altis car new air scent of England technol Tresca news Chrissy 14 here mahjong Hebrew linked it some colonists in hela Van Horn time seattle in a less fouled in dealer then I miles door so that's hardly to sir then Elvis kapoor samba to lose some fur for hardened men booms linkedin a a heel seconds on Crais Eden p the elite my scent of England poor tailor his car or Senate race car scent of England fortunate race car our toilet race car again canobie Peggy sedum a 8mp began a Pegasus MP honest order at a le mal hematite GaN Eden or six at ITP terminal trans to be a maternity say will fit masala or six a child or the gang of email ed p adistar or six are titled be DVD r power n or six attire than a Adam or the gear e or two hemet I the pr2 femicide p our to the air mmm the certain common film p certain cometh MP at ikea meaning boarding needin first our Galvan no comment p now villa gatito boulenger son as a no comment MP blue certain cometh MP so far the NP they are Healy seattle in some case nova leg ascent of England boutique are a terminal tres cars happen favorita at risk our deal he lose it in some case