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Genkendelse af primtal og sammensatte tal

Kan du genkende primtallene i denne gruppe tal? Hvilke er primtal, sammensatte eller ingen af delene? Lavet af Sal Khan og Montereys Institut for teknologi og undervisning.

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Video udskrift

visca Finlay I'm filling in the tail a printed Sam said tell Ella in 1814 affects who comes near print l signature little as a in so tight fear film six Aceveda the her precedes to fact or factor one in or Taylor said sci-fi simply printed their continent to elite health the Garbett a the in at a an enmity no podía at the eNOS the mover for tight summit product and actually tell air in County for to honor soak on eNOS acid it's unsettled Edna truly tell their flee a factor one in us acid the commodity as a simpler Pope because losing in inter sent up Gale meeting let's start meeting your potatoes fear to last think about a Latina to a little the alt Healy poses you tell poor safe and on lasting people led naturally tell Becca RP fear to ruin last detail Calabi facto on it fear took a DVD has people in of here to in gun feared you ever fear to medical Stevie Dee has Machop to cancel a Fiat you said the garcy VDS metal the garcy VDS metate take a lord a fear too we become of artistic fina Ella factor one for Finn who lay at the Eagle printer there are two DS flea effect Owen in as I said said the outside Sam said ten layers parka a factor is hearing the fear to ferdi move of a baboon Putin they caused DVD as mafia vehicle 6fv achoo the Al Aqsa one for fear to their FLIR in bar in of year two let's think a potato to new building actually tell Kirby to in gang to Vega medic undertale the hobby too the hives have gone too far to walk in as I said the definition for Intel so airs at pin tail our weddings are sent tell for the deans the Lee Prince l l under print L into their hooli de Loup discs for little pepper definition DVD asthma talk so kt VD s mature or therefore added little the girl continuity as mature or in order for edit printer LD tell k DVDs may in sisal or to a movie so Santa tell me never felt it right hell aha l suppose in Sai said oh no in some factor therefore at the sunset to where printin alanda detail as Sam said tell it in her central air eaten in cocoon tivity asthma in the Eden's eNOS the factor Technic seed at a good printing the Hakone in factor behind took factor one in SSL many print l scare perceives to factor in how can in fact on for where Tom said tell scary Hermia into fact or in Sai said on n the air Sahil I get sunset in a very printed L at sunset said being a virgin Ella this is novelty certain certain ktvd Esme in a certain the gate DVDs mature to a fear same-sex soup old me t elder child Titan Jordan Fintan Ella sizin to her perceives took factor in as I said certain air else I printed