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Eksempel på fortolkning af en graf

Lær at fortolke lineære funktioners grafer. Lavet af Sal Khan.

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Video udskrift

useless onanism foggy soccer from for you someone function X T here a cotton an oblivious Dylan impossible full fare setting Pacific - for insulting divorce you are sittin Orthodox family except our sakes accent let's get I start not XT we start of the xle mineral a vascular summon or X tear the weakest yet you fella he outsider now x-rays outside healing Pakistan a liminal 4l x-men X a demon known or X a limits high well a healing for Carmel him xle Manolo Excel image hi we're country purveyors in / x accent purveyor via seen the oxen the outer may in the VIX may in outer you may in the given healing mercy entering your inline he X for sale on you you aminos ain't neva synteny X 18 percent on you or entering he excels a mean machine or in healing that they're from insane the USA by excuse me in fellow you mean start navi-x a limit raced year next year because see and you steer start navi-x a limit right next year by exterior you Dawson you see arson or XT are held in pecan edema no no x mm tray of him the HDMI industry humane and I knew such I are entering the XF in hell nickname when you are entering its height at airtight healing healing hell's at right there an HDMI in steer human type UN maintain a lemur elastane a liminal now XML null our fear now X a liminal or X element fear a maintain L&T mendel affiliate FR Minton Ella demon doll you Esther in a liminal XML fear would Cuttino person yeah the pessimist really on file here or less party force far yes the perfected