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Areal af et cirkeludsnit

Her vises et eksempel på at finde arealet af et cirkeludsnit ved at bruge arealet af cirklen samt centervinklen. Lavet af Sal Khan.

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Video udskrift

NCAA my iater enough ESP hide boosted main center vehicle portal nitrous car was needed a hair foul Oh hongsa scent of England airpo tyooon-uh test car so the other and hot stove Engel bel-air whose leaders I a bel-air who sneezes il-4 holla male moose need as I ain mmmm whose leaders IL oh he'll see at lines I a heel seconds I a as a enough ESP a lemur for halloween scent of England are he'll see a cleanse Cara are he'll see a Clean Sky Go sneezes il or the salmon IL a lemur tyooon-uh tres or Tyler tres yoga by Lucifer with me the site via Connie Pegasus ma enough ESP dije for Serena our triune ultras auto unit rest at the samsung famous horse exerciser whose leaders I L at their for Lima Lima permit our gang knee Phil metal canini gani knee p or sex attire samara samsung nicon fear naga vivek oberoi chillin a una mini valia futile gah Nene fit matata gang me Becky a hermit either bernini the air so I wanna dress means fit my tyler cymet tight enough in a new starter tyooon-uh Finn p our fear Whitney this is a tightener theme p or fear