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Introduktion til ligninger med variable på begge sider

Lær at løse ligningen 2x + 3 = 5x - 2, hvor der er variable på begge sider. Vi starter med at visualisere ligningen, hvorefter vi isolerer den variable ved at foretage de samme regneoperationer på begge sider. Til sidst løser vi ligningen og finder værdien af den variable. Lavet af Sal Khan.

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Video udskrift

let's loosen let's pay our leaning we are leaning 2x plus y el de Mille so x + ty le ma femme ex-l DeMuth femme x Minos soap desolates where do the anime expo big is the Leaning of allegra tell some but I gotta tell finan prank Valois leaning Mecca cardiovascular momentum fixya who scared whiskey cylia x davia is real ex Torah at XL demon all they lose dimple leaning asabi fatty membuka faxes gotta pea chica undirected Norville a una persona / Pegasus are leaning for easily at X when men's vallejo I'm scribbling on PV power visa that they have to scare the vixa toughest opava vikas on the carnival lucid leaning up for the glamour manic or minus barceloneta led a legacy let this visually see have an escape the damaja later see we're at tillett so let's power this well is he at him we had to explore in stencil the design some x plus x there's also Bruce tiny post hibiscus on plus 8 plus 8 plus in the samsung tight because a tiny toy siècle closely the el email femme x they'd email same exam it to thi phir then they happen for visa Patera scale you got algebra moon avalos up Kayla now vehicle demand an elusive ed me on a wilderness cool that he drew maybe got here for do you see the class the Leaning betula prevents this is happy to except to say biases error fix me no scope min so cool disco some minnows a minnows in me nose talk at the samsung minnows in me nose e viscous olya external puddin eNOS is a leaning operon k v card t that's amore a gotta poo gute idee 2x of Harper biggest an inning delvin smart for civility hey Finn EXA minnows to exa beautiful poster and said except or higher ceiling the ghost type that makes Harper busy season then Spokane's get be leaning are selling view 30 little while so will not prevent the defendants are neglected loosening last adam and i get 2x far but big is the Leaning the betula every Fionna too XO for the instances maybe Ezra Fionna two extra prevents diseases could be our saffiano to wake so for hire season of a gear d be 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stock we like a tool tip of a concealer mascara met Vince decision cyprus to any meth in the belly may tie x Minos top plus two so technical or how context to pay this recipe hello Harvey probe instances inputs in proceeding to see you sane vfm inna allaha fin parcel habit ax ax b oz means a minus sign up losing losing giggle petechiae null avenue at family meets high x 82 vfm illimité eggs the mildly bisque LTA with somebody Fionna still believe me our school there the editing should be a Fionna the basically will there's the clip they will SAR then that's why not could be at the heel / place no happy e2v of them then I flipped a hero so then you go by flute let me give a bleep of instances no hobby into tight vfm did he talk some blades hill here are the limit I x-d a giggle did therefore began out there follows the script DVD a big easier than had the image height their lives we are visual is here especially divot dr baker serum its height before we saw be DVD at invensys imitate the dividend horses Matai we dividend metric for the X gunsmith a tight a coefficient for X this Valois media botella fondant by 8pm here at X D trailer go will hi Ursula leaning the limit X then when stress is aleem FM DVD limite de Lima film title deal they're analyzing take piace digital via new exposure acid or tell provinces the Alexa fiend for fem tell Dale LeMay x pi/6 the samsung extreme FM trade deal the full extended disarm be skewered on omegle may exit event are when they are heath disarming visvim skills go to some a planar tell cabecea take our beef em income a husband at two so they limit in or talk to the Dean there in took tell dealing the gods clear at XL email in total dealing make cell phones are loosening the Leaning a check on the correct for visually see but NBD fig into 13 Celeste tinkling OD he steadfastly it Taylor pivots on Sierra a last time the Sun Sierra I it horrifies will ever fear Candida nagging bc FMP end up against Ozzy Osbourne some google foul we are in to play fear fem a-- Daily Mail tight XO x plus x plus x 0 bt bt a babysitter leaning metallic door day some big you're here are we divvy dl Pegasus emit a higher still at emulate risk a deity type exa it take over they are in to take over angel try Frankie videla phonetic over this Adele Sebelius Dagobah about Ella designer iveco risk of air into tell Dean deliver tener our total delayed nested the entire deal maybe skip wanted in mia and he'll sew the hair in untidy visca boy entered in mia but they have e here are so ever so tell dyl are interbay have a up deal femia tightly stork over a las got a hitler then d here are in our total deal then Lee here and tell thee the nn13 so they are totally are there in there so they are in total dealing this is Eddie dr. the idea in so they're in 213 now the dvd-r bases on the trail for V in total did Varun deal probe instances in total deal Ella filter dealing for her ass is happy by dicks the vehicles are steady at the endless moves very ldcm a boy go